February 25

Friday 25th September 2022

Happy Friday,

What a busy first week back!

This week, we have been learning all about the 1960’s linked to the Queen’s Jubilee.

We worked together to create a Time-Line and identify events from the 1960’s, such as the first Moon Landing, Prince Charles’ investiture and winning of the 1966 World Cup.  We also explored Pop art and produced our own work.



You are invited in next week to come into school to see what we have been up to.


Please continue to read and practice green and red words. The children have made great progress with their sounds, thank you for your support.


Please spend 10-15 minutes on Mathseeds.

A phonic sheet will be sent home. please try and write the words.

speed sound chart


Please continue to come to school with a water bottle  (only water) and book bag daily.

A reminder that children should be wearing Black School shoes.


Please can you bring in a box- for a shrine box we will be making in school next week.



Monday: PE – please come to school in PE kit.

Wednesday: 2:45pm Parents into school to come in for Jubilee exhibition.

Thursday:  World Book Day! Come dressed as a character.  Bring the book if you have one to share.

2:45pm – Parents are invited in for a shared reading session.


Have a great weekend.

The Sapphire Team

February 23

Shrine Box

Next week we will be starting our new book ‘Astro Girl.’


The children will be looking at families, hobbies, likes and dislikes.

We would love the children to make their own shrine box that they can fill with photos of themselves and items that are special to them.

If possible, please can they bring in a shoe box for them to decorate next week.

Sapphire Team

February 4

Friday 4th February 2022

Hello and happy Friday,

This week we have continued exploring the evnts in our class text and having a go at writing our own sentences.

In RWI, we have continued working in our groups. Please do practice bledning the green words as it will enable them to move to the next level. We have been focusing on read ccvc and cvcc words such as ‘stop’ and ‘help’. Some of us have begun learning Set 2 sounds, so these sound cards have been sent home.

This week, we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We did some taste testing as well taking part in a dragon dance.


Please can you send in spare clothes especially underwear as we are very low on supplies. If you have any old clothing we would welcome any donations.

PE – Monday.

Just a reminder that last weeks home-learning was sent home in a folder.

This weeks Home -Learning:

If you were born in the year 2016 you were born in the year of the Monkey.   

If you were born in the year 2017 you were born in the year of the Rooster.


Please draw a picture of this animal and label its name. if you are able to you could write a fact about that animal.

Work can be brought in or uploaded onto Google Classroom.


Have a lovely weekend


The Sapphire Team