November 28

Home Learning

Sapphire team will be putting home learning on the blog at the start of each week for any families who may have to self isolate.

English – The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:

Math: Patterns

Lesson 1:

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:



Can you make your own Christmas bauble. Here is a link to inspire you:

10 Homemade Christmas Decorations for Kids to Make


Here are some challenge cards for you to try at home:



Please remember these are activities are to support your child at home if they are having to isolate. If they are unable to do them please do not worry.


Sapphire Team




November 26

Friday 26th November 2021

Sapphire class have had a great week of learning.

They have been making lots of different animals out of loose parts, junk modelling and coloured pens and then writing about them.

Sapphire class have been showing great balancing and jumping skills this week in P.E.



Sapphire have been continuing with their singing for the Nativity.

The song they will be singing is called ‘No, NO, NO.’

Here is a link to the song so they can keep practicing at home. I’m sure you will be singing along to it as well.



Home - Mathseeds

In the children’s contact books you will find the login details to MathSeeds

It is a wonderful online resource that I know they will love.

They can carry out a little assessment and Mathseeds will set them at the level most suitable.

Tasks will also be set by us and we will keep you informed when this happens.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Sapphire Team

November 19

Friday 19th November 2021

Happy Friday.

This week we have been exploring the syllables (beats) in words for our book Tanka Tanka Skunk.

In maths we have been exploring the number 5, looking at what numbers are more or fewer.

we also looked at ways to sort the animals into groups.


please continue to practice sound cards. We are checking and adding in new sounds and words.

Animal Home Learning Challenges- click here

How many challenges can you complete? Please upload photos onto Google Classroom or send in any writing.


Tuesday- please come to school in PE Kit.
please can book bags be brought to school everyday. Please sign when you have read.

Have a great weekend.
Sapphire Team

November 12

Friday 12th November 2021

Happy Friday,

This week we have started our new text ‘Tanka Tanka Skunk’ where we learnt about syllables. We have practiced tapping to the beat. In Maths,we have been learning all about circles and triangles. We went on a shape hunt as well as making pictures with those shapes in them.

We have explored the animals and had a go at spelling the words.


In RWI, we have now split into groups. Some of us are working on recognising all of our set 1 sounds. ( The alphabet plus our special friends; ch, sh, th, ng and nk)

Whilst some of us are now putting the sounds together to write words such as cat, met, bug etc.



This week, can you complete the sheet identifying which amounts have more or less (fewer). They may even be able to identify more or less while at home when playing.

Please can Folders be returned by WEDNESDAY. 


Tuesday: PE kit please

Wednesday and Thursday: Parent Consultations

Friday: Children in Need: wear something spotty for a £1 donation.

Please  can we have book bags daily including their sound wallets.


Have a great weekend


The Sapphire Team

November 5

Friday 5th November 2021

Hello and happy Friday, to what has been a very busy first week back.


We had a fantastic trip to Eagle Heights, all the children were very well behaved and had a very enjoyable day.


This week, In Maths we have been learning to compare different amounts of objects, saying which has more and which has the fewest.


Our main focus this week has been learning about Diwali, we learnt about the story, took part in some dancing and made our own firework biscuits to celebrate the festival of Lights.



Using their sound card wallets:

Using your sound cards can you make some words?
Can you have a go at writing some of the words?

at, mat, sat, sad, dad, mad.

If you able to you could try these words:
bed, cup, mud, bin, cup.


Next week:

Tuesday: PE kit


Have a lovely weekend, Sapphire Team.